The University of Wisconsin System has dealt a devastating blow to Richland County, as UW-Platteville “completely vacate[s] the campus by July 1” after a 60-year partnership. County officials are reeling, with Administrator Candace Pesch decrying how “the Universities of Wisconsin System is shirking their responsibilities” and leaving the county “facing a potential economic crisis due to the Universities’ decision.”

The unilateral move has “blindsided” local leaders, who “previously relied on the contractual relationship between the parties” and are now left holding the bag. As Pesch notes, “It is disappointing that the Universities of Wisconsin System is shirking their responsibilities. At no time, under any circumstance, did the legislature indicate that receipt of the $2 million grant would absolve the UW Universities System of their obligations to affected counties.”
The county is now scrambling to “evaluate all available options going forward” and determine how to move on from this shocking abandonment by the UW System. After investing millions over the decades in the campus through this partnership, the County Board must now find a path forward to avoid an economic catastrophe in the wake of the UW System’s irresponsible actions.
Rural Wisconsin is facing significant challenges in funding and supporting both the arts and higher education. The state ranks last in the nation for per capita arts funding at just 18 cents, compared to neighboring states like Minnesota at $9.67. At the same time, many rural University of Wisconsin campuses and private colleges are grappling with declining enrollment, budget deficits, and pressure to downsize or close.


  • Wisconsin provides the lowest state funding for the arts in the country.
  • Arts organizations heavily rely on private philanthropy to fill the gap, creating a fiercely competitive environment.
  • Lack of public funding reinforces perception that the arts are exclusively for the wealthy
  • Despite challenges, the arts provide significant economic benefits to local communities through tourism and spending.


  • Declining enrollment and shifting demographics are forcing many rural colleges to downsize or close.
  • UW System is consolidating 2-year campuses and ending in-person classes at several locations.
  • Abrupt closures like UW-Richland have blindsided local communities, who face significant costs to maintain shuttered facilities.
  • Private colleges are also struggling, with layoffs and budget cuts at institutions like Northland, St. Norbert, and Marquette.
  • Loss of local campuses threatens access to education and economic vitality for rural areas.
  • Impacts on Rural Communities:
  • – Arts organizations and higher ed institutions are often economic anchors for small towns. Should access to the arts and higher education be considered fundamental public goods, regardless of where one lives? What are the societal benefits of ensuring robust arts and educational ecosystems in rural areas?
  • – Closures and downsizing lead to job losses, reduced spending at local businesses, and population loss.
  • – Lack of state support burdens local governments and taxpayers to fill funding gaps.
  • – Without robust arts and education ecosystems, rural areas struggle to attract new residents and businesses. How will the loss of arts and higher education institutions in rural areas exacerbate the urban-rural divide and contribute to brain drain and economic stagnation? What strategies can help reverse these trends?
  • – Diminished access to the arts and post-secondary education opportunities widens urban-rural divide.


  • Increase state funding for the arts and incentivize local public funding mechanisms. What policy changes at the state and federal levels could help create a more sustainable funding environment for rural arts organizations and colleges? How can rural communities effectively advocate for these reforms?
  • – Implement reforms to make higher ed more affordable and sustainable in rural areas.
  • How can rural communities creatively leverage their unique assets and partnerships to sustain arts organizations and educational institutions? What successful models exist that could be replicated?
  • – Integrate the arts and post-secondary programs into regional economic development strategies. How can local leaders better integrate these assets into their growth strategies?

While the challenges facing the arts and higher education in rural Wisconsin are daunting, proactive leadership and cooperation across sectors can help preserve these vital assets and position rural communities for a vibrant future.


  1. Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR), “Wisconsin Ranks Last in Arts Funding.” Available at:
  2., “Universities of Wisconsin-Platteville Richland Center.” Available at:
  3. Isthmus, “Downsizing of Wisconsin’s Higher Education Institutions Will Continue.” Available at:
  4. Wisconsin Examiner, “UW-Platteville Vacating Richland Campus, Senate Democrats Blame Republicans.” Available at:
  5. Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR), “Former UW-Richland Building Sold, Potential Charter School.” Available at:
  6. Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR), “UW System Ending Classes at 2 More Campuses Due to Declining Enrollment and Market Realities.” Available at:
  7. Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR), “UW to Vacate Richland Campus, College Classes Ended.” Available at: